Solaris DOE

Solaris DOE (Distributed Objects Environment) is a networked object environment designed to leverage the benefits of open systems. It represents a new approach to building enterprise-wide software systems and addresses many of the key problems in developing and using application software today-being able to write software more quickly, to respond more quickly to changes in business and user requirements, and to protect software investments. Solaris DOE is a compatible extension to the Solaris operating environment and is CORBA-compliant according to the OMG (Object Management Group) specification.

DOE encourages developer innovation, making it easier for you to build, deploy and maintain highly functional network-based applications. Because object-based applications support re-use, DOE enables you to construct successive generations of new applications upon previous foundations. DOE integrates easily with existing applications and relational databases, so it protects your existing software investments and reduces your development and ownership costs.

At the core of Solaris DOE is the Object Request Broker (ORB), which allows applications to seamlessly locate and execute objects through a standard interface protocol. With DOE, objects and applications interact transparently with each other across the network, improving application interoperability and permitting a more flexible computing infrastructure. Because the Solaris DOE ORB is implemented as one or more multithreaded UNIX processes, it also offers scalable performance to hundreds or thousands of transactions, unlike single-threaded CORBA implementations.

Solaris DOE networked objects, which can be combined to form applications, can execute locally or remotely and applications can access and manipulate those objects without knowing their location. In addition, multiple applications can share objects ensuring common practices and interfaces. Using DOE administration tools, you can easily upgrade your applications without disturbing other software or operations.

The DOE Product Family

Solaris DOE is a fully upward binary-compatible extension to Solaris 2.4 or higher. You do not need to alter your applications in any way to run in a Solaris DOE environment.

The Solaris DOE product family includes the following:

Future releases of Solaris DOE and WorkShop DOE will be compliant with the OpenStep specification jointly developed by NeXT, Inc. and SunSoft.

ISV Opportunities with Solaris DOE

As an independent software vendor, there are a number of opportunities to expand your business by taking advantage of the capabilities of the DOE product family. For example, many of the tools that complement the WorkShop DOE development environment are desirable including the design tools that generate OMG IDL, and the application-specific class libraries that are DOE- compatible. However, there are no technical or marketing requirements for Catalyst partners to use Solaris DOE or integrate with DOE applications. A decision to support DOE is a business decision driven by your customer requirements and, if appropriate, the technical requirements for implementing your application.

If you are interested in altering your application to leverage DOE functionality, the best time to undertake the effort is during a re-architecting phase for existing applications, or at the early design stages for new applications. For existing applications, it may make sense to re-write portions or your application to take advantage of networked objects, or to "wrapper" parts of your application with OMG IDL code so it can communicate with other DOE objects. For new applications, design using modular networked objects with IDL interfaces; this gives you maximum flexibility in developing your application and provides maximum flexibility when the application is deployed.


You will be able to order both Solaris DOE and WorkShop DOE in October 1995. Refer to the special insert in this issue of Catalyst Flash for information on the Catalyst Objects Program for ordering and other availability information. Additional information on the DOE product family is available on the Internet at: